Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance, inc.
Ames, Iowa
Emergency assistance for Story County residents, offered with dignity, encouragement, and support
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Learn how your donation can help Story County residents.
Because life can be tough sometimes,
Good Neighbor Emergency Assistance Cares
Our clients come from throughout Story County, Iowa and from many walks of life. Each person who walks through our door seeks hope and help. Providing that has been our mission for 27 years.
Available to Story County Residents
Various types of services
Volunteer-driven organization
Supported by Story County faith communities, community grants, community organizations, and individual donations
Emergency Food Vouchers
Food assistance in a crisis, and information about additional resources
Emergency Gasoline Vouchers and Individual CyRide Tickets
Transportation assistance for mobility and active living
Utilities Assistance
Assistance to keep the lights, water and phone on
Rent Assistance
Client Testimonials
“Thank you for helping me through the online application. I am glad I didn’t have to go out during the pandemic.” -MA
“Miss Lori is so helpful. She gave me so much information about all the other helping places I could go. God bless.” -GS
“One day I won’t need help anymore – I hope. Thank you to the people at Good Neighbor who have helped me while I can’t work.” – JT
Latest News
Good Neighbor Choir Concert
We want to invite you to the 2024 Good Neighbor Choir Concert!Below is the Program. If you can't make it to the event, please consider donating at! 2024 Good Neighbor Choral Program Lori Allen, Facilitator Bethesda Choir Randy Ewing, Director Piccolo,...
GNEA Annual Fall Choir Concert
Join us for the GNEA Annual Fall Choir Concert on November 10th at 2 PM. This event is hosted at the Collegiate Presbyterian Church. This is our annual fundraiser that supports our homelessness prevention programs at Good Neighbor. If you can't join us in person, feel...
May 2024 Newsletter
The 3rd Annual Good Neighbor Block Party was a success! Feel free to donate at!
Our Funding Partners